Federal Instant Loan


Federal Instant Loan enables FinTech’s to offer personal loans to their users who hold accounts with Federal Bank, through their applications as an integrated solution. It offers pre-approved loans to its Customers, based on factors like their credit score, banking relationship, etc. This fully secure, automated digital loan processing facility is available 24x7.


    • This API fetches the details of a pre-approved instant loan offer for a given customer by the bank if he/she is eligible, based on their PAN and Mobile number. If the customer is eligible for Instant Loan, then details such as maximum loan amount offered, EMI tenure, interest rate, processing fees, etc. will be shared.


    • This API fetches the details of a pre-approved instant loan offer for a given customer by the bank if he/she is eligible, based on their Phone Number. If the customer is eligible for Instant Loan, then details such as maximum loan amount offered, EMI tenure, interest rate, processing fees, etc. will be shared.


    • This API fetches an instant loan offer for a given customer identified by (phone no) if they are pre-approved. If Eligible, the tenure-based offer eligibility details are returned in response. Else it returns the appropriate error code.



In order to subscribe, you must create an account or sign in.


Basic Plan

300 calls per week


basic plan

15 APIs including

  • Fed_Instant_Loan_Tenure_Based_Offer 1.0.0
  • Fed_Get_Instant_Loan_Info_API 1.0.0
  • Fed_Get_Instant_Loan_OfferLite_API 1.0.0
  • Fed_Instant_Loan_Api_Status_Enquiry 1.0.0
  • Fed_Instant_Loan_Application_API 1.0.0

Contact information

API Support