Instant Loan @ POS
When a customer checks out through a Merchant’s Point of Sale (POS) terminal, and if a Bank can offer a convenient EMI option for the payment, it would be a unique business opportunity for Card Issuers, Merchants, and Brands to connect with customers and provide them additional convenience. The EMI offer is communicated to the customer while initiating a payment using Federal Bank Card at the POS. If interested, the customer can select the EMI option from the POS. POS will list the tenure. Moreover, the customer can choose the EMI option and tenure. Once the tenure is selected, the eligibility check is done for the customer. If the customer is eligible and ready to avail the EMI, the offer amount gets blocked at Federal Bank against that particular customer. POS can generate the charge slip to the customer, with the EMI details. At the end of every day (or at agreed intervals), the Merchant may send the EMI conversion file to the federal bank with all EMI Transaction details. The Bank can validate the transactions against the customer based on the ApplicationID, open a Loan Account for each customer, and disburse the loan amount. Instant Loan at POS API bundle is a set of API that the Federal Bank has exposed to enable Service Providers at POS terminals to extend convenient EMI facilities to the Bank’s Customers on purchases.
POS Terminal service provider will need to know the processing status/response of each API invocation instantaneously, as these are real-time transactions. API calls, but may not respond within the acceptable time limit, due to slow network connection, increased traffic at the Federal Bank Server infrastructure, etc. There should be a way for the POS Terminal provider to know the status of an API call at any point in time. Instant Loan Status Enquiry API is designed just for that purpose viz; to enquire the status of a previous API request. API will identify the transaction by the
Before offering an EMI facility to a Customer, the provider at POS Terminal needs to ensure that the customer is eligible for the loan amount. This API is to check the eligibility of a customer to avail loan equal to the sale amount. While initiating a payment through the POS, an EMI offer gets communicated to the customer. Once the interested customer selects the EMI option and tenure from the POS menu, the ‘Instant Loan Eligibility Check’ API to be invoked to perform an eligibility check. The customer is identified based on the Federal Bank Card Number. For eligible customers, a success
At POS, when the Bank offers EMI to a Customer, and once he/she agrees to the EMI and tenure, the offer amount should be blocked by the Bank against that Customer. It is to prevent over-booking by similar other simultaneous transactions by the same Customer. Instant Loan Blocking API gets invoked to block the EMI offer amount against the Customer. API identifies the offer based on the ApplicationId. Upon receiving a successful message from the API, the POS / EDC terminal can print the sale charge slip. This API call can timeout at the POS terminal in the following scenarios:
- The API
At POS, when the Bank offers EMI to a Customer, and once he/she agrees to the EMI and tenure, the offer amount would be blocked by the Bank against that Customer. The Customer still has an option to cancel his interest in the EMI offer. There can be a case where the previous transaction Loan Blocking API gets timed out, and the POS Terminal did not receive any response from the Bank within the expected time interval. In all such cases, the amount offered may remain blocked against the Customer’s account. Instant Loan Unblocking API is used to unblock the amount marked against the Customer, in
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