The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is an instant, real-time payment system developed by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) facilitating inter-bank transactions. It is a unique solution that can be used to transfer money and make payments using the Immediate Payments Service (IMPS). UPI is an initiative by NPCI, regulated by RBI. UPI works 24/7. Federal Bank offers the UPI API stack for fintech and startup partners to readily integrate UPI services in their products .
This API lets you to create a new Virtual ID or add a new Bank Account to the given Virtual ID.
Virtual ID (also called Virtual Payment Address or VPA) is a unique ID that has to be created for each user, in order to send and accept money via UPI. Once a Virtual ID is created and mapped against the user’s existing Bank Account, the user can simply share his / her Virtual ID (eg. name@fede), instead of the actual Bank Account, in all transactions using UPI.
Details of the Bank Account including Account Number, IFSC etc., and the Virtual ID is specified as part of the MerchantBody section -
Using this API, Merchant can initiate a payment from his / her account to a Customer. The request message has details of the Payee VPA in the MerchantBody section. It has other details like Amount, Payer VPA etc.
This API follows an asynchronous processing model. On receiving a PAY request from the Merchant, Federal Bank will validate the request and will send an Acknowledgement to the Merchant. If the request is valid, Federal Bank will then send a transaction response message (RespPay) to the Merchant with details of the payment, transaction status etc. The RespPay response message will -
This API can be used to get the outbound response of the PAY and COLLECT transactions initiated by the user.
API will give the response of the PAY or COLLECT transactions, represented by the “id” attribute in the request message. -
Using this API, the default account linked to a user’s Virtual ID can be changed to a new Bank Account of that user.
The new Account Number, the Virtual ID, the DefaultAcctFlag etc. are specified as part of the MerchantBody section of the request message. -
This API lets you to disable / delete Virtual ID of a User.
Using this API, the physical Bank Account mapped to the user’s Virtual ID can be de-linked.
The details of the Account Number to be deleted and the Virtual ID are specified as part of the MerchantBody section of the request message. -
This is a transaction where the merchant is requesting funds from the remitter using the remitter’s virtual ID. The merchant is a pre-configured and registered entity with the Bank. For this process, the merchant sends a COLLECT request with the specific UPI address of the Customer. When the Customer accepts the COLLECT request and pays the amount, the amount gets credited to the beneficiary account.
The request has MerchantHeader and MerchantBody sections with details of the payment, including amount, payee address etc.
This API follows an asynchronous processing model. On receiving a -
Federal bank will send “ReqTransactionConfirm” API to Merchant. Merchant should respond back with “Ack” immediately. After that Merchant Application should call this API to Federal bank, bank will send “Ack” To Merchant.
This API lets a merchant know the status of a transaction, which was previously initiated by him /her. The TransactionId for which the status needs to be enquired is specified as part of TranEnqBody of the request message.
This API is used to validate the Virtual ID of a Customer. This can be used prior to initiating PAY / COLLECT requests, to make sure the transaction is being initiated against the correct party.
Details of the Merchant and Customer Virtual ID are specified as part of the MerchantBody section of the request message. Response will contain the Name of the Account holder, if the Virtual ID specified by PayeeAddress is valid.
This API follows an asynchronous processing model. On receiving address validation request (ReqValAdd) from the Merchant, Federal Bank will validate the request and send
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