This message will be sent to merchant whenever there is a credit happens to his virtual id.
In case of collect, merchant won’t receive this API because he will be receiving final response
API to get the customer account numbers against the mobile number
Merchant will receive this API whenever there is a credit happens to his virtual id
This API lets a merchant know the status of a transaction, which was previously initiated by him /her. The TransactionId for which the status needs to be enquired is specified as part of TranEnqBody of the request message.
This API is used to validate the Virtual ID of a Customer. This can be used prior to initiating PAY / COLLECT requests, to make sure the transaction is being initiated against the correct party.
Details of the Merchant and Customer Virtual ID are specified as part of the MerchantBody section of the request message. Response will contain the Name of the Account holder, if the Virtual ID specified by PayeeAddress is valid.
This API follows an asynchronous processing model. On receiving address validation request (ReqValAdd) from the Merchant, Federal Bank will validate the request and send
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