Account Opening
Federal Bank’s API for banking correspondence, facilitates account opening on behalf of the Bank. With services like Customer ID creation, savings account opening, duplication check etc., this API bundle offers necessary services to run a fully Digital Business Correspondence model. These APIs help in further enhancing and transforming the existing Bank offerings, by increasing their appeal to the existing and prospective customers alike.
The Account Opening APIs increase the appeal of the Bank and enable it to meet the changing demands of existing customers as well as prospective customers. These APIs also serve as a unique way to increase customer engagement and attend to customer needs in a secure, agile, and future-proof method.
These benefits in turn, can help enhance this aspect of the Banking experience: Customer Engagement.
Fintech / Service providers increasingly need a secure and reliable means to validate Customers based on the customer data collected from the field or during registration. API Banking of Federal Bank exposes Dedupe_Chk API in order to cater to this need. Service providers can use this API to validate a Customer by providing data collected by them. API accepts one or more of up to 5 such customer attributes, searches the Bank records for a matching Customer record, and returns appropriate status.
Following are the capabilities of this API:
• Any one of the 5 attributes - PAN Number, Aadhaar
Using the Customer ID Creation API, a banking correspondence application can create a new Customer ID using the customer creation service of the Bank. To create a customer ID in banking system, the Bank requires identity proof, address proof and other vital information of the Customer.
Please consider the following field requirements while generating the request message -
1.If POA or POI in request message contains AADHA then UID Number is mandatory.
2.If POA or POI in request message contains VTRID (Voter Id) then Vtr_Id_Number is mandatory.
3.If POA or POI in request message
This API is used to create an Account with the Bank and generate an Account Number for the customer. After receiving success acknowledge you have to call Account creation enquiry API for getting the status of the request
This API can be used to fetch the balance information of a given Bank Account with Federal Bank. The AccountNumber for which the balance is to be retrieved is sent as the input to the API. The API will validate the Account number, and returns such details like Account Status, Balance, Ledger Balance, Available Balance etc.
This API can be used to retrieve the details of the given Bank Account along with the list of transactions, on any given date. API accepts the account number and transaction date as input, along with other parameters. Account Statement API will validate the values provided in sender_cd, account_num and date fields.
This API returns maximum of 200 transactions per call. Each response message will contain the sequence number of the last transaction included in the current list, in the field “last_seq_num”. The client application can then retrieve the next 200 transactions in a subsequent call
This API is used to enquire the Account Creation status with Federal Bank based on the Token Number/Request ID passed during Customer Creation/Account Creation process.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has made it mandatory for Banks to conduct necessary checks before opening a new account to ensure that the identity of the customer does not match with any person with known criminal background or with banned entities such as terrorist individuals or terrorist organizations. As per extant RBI guidelines, Banks are required to ensure that before opening any new account, the proposed customer does not appear in the United Nations’ list under Security Council Resolutions (mainly 1267 and such others as may be specified by RBI from time to time) and the terrorist lists
The purpose of this API is to verify the PAN Number to validate Customers based on the customer data collected during the Account Opening process.
In order to subscribe, you must create an account or sign in.
Basic Plan
100 calls per 52 weeks
Basic Plan
8 APIs including